About Us

Hello & Welcome

Hi, my name is Jenny. I graduated in 2004 with a degree in Osteopathy and a Diploma in Naturopathy.
Natural health has always been close to my heart. I am happily married to Gavin and have two teenage children. 
My dad had been to Misty Mountain Health Retreat in 2018 and when he came back he said to me “we will have to get Barbara over here to Ireland”. 
At the time I hesitated and thought “Ah daddy, thats a mad idea!’ His reply was “She might change your life”. And I can safely say she has! So thank you to my Dad Alex and to Barbara for accepting the invitation to come, back in 2019.

Barbara O'Neill

2019 was our first event with Barbara in Gorey co. Wexford and Dublin.

I have organised talks with Barbara over the last few years, including weekend conferences. When Barbara’s new book “Sustain Me” launched in June and she was in Ireland it seemed like a good opportunity to offer an easier way for people in Ireland to purchase her books and the wild yam comfort cream that she frequently mentions.

Our Friends

I have been helped along this path by colleagues from across the Irish Sea – Naomi and Ricky from Little Barn Health 🌿 have been very helpful in the setting up of the site and I would like to thank them for that. They are an official UK seller of Barbara’s books plus a range of other health products.
I would also like to thank Steve and Jane from The Good Food Project. They have been very generous in sharing information with us when we went over to Scotland to experience a day in the life of packing books.  The Good Food Project is the main distributor for Barbara’s books in the UK!

And so...

I trust this has given you an idea of how sustainme.ie has come about.
Looking forward to being part of Barbara’s goal, which is to educate men and women in healthy principals.
As E. G. White wrote in The Ministry of Healing, “The only hope of better things is in the education of the people in right principles. Let physicians teach the people that restorative power is not in drugs, but in nature.”